Heat Exchanger-Lianyungang Jiusheng Electric Power Auxiliary Machinery Co., Ltd.

Heat Exchanger Encyclopedia

Finding the Best Heat Exchanger

Writer: admin Time:2023-03-17 16:21:56 Browse:266℃

You might think that all heat exchangers are the same, but guess again. There are several different types and models, each of which is designed for its own specific function and use.

Why heat exchangers? The correct answer to this question is, of course, the need for thermal processing of various products, be they within the food, dairy, chemical or pharmaceutical industries.

In today's marketplace, a wide range heat exchangers styles are available, and on applications that are referred to as "standards," one of the first problems that occurs is that it is possible to find many different types of heat exchangers, all performing the same duties. Is this right or wrong? To come to a conclusion, one must analyze the reasons why one heat exchanger is chosen over another and if the choice is correct based upon available information.

Consider a hypothetical application where several types of heat exchangers could be utilized. Let's select a plate-, spiral- and tubular-type design, and let's forget everything regarding product specifics, concentrating on why choices were made:

  • The first customer chose a plate heat exchanger because the price was lower.

  • The second customer was prejdiced against designs differing from coventional tubular designs and felt comfortable with his or her selection.

  • The third customer chose a spiral-type heat exchanger because he or she was afraid of possible gasket problems. Furthermore, he or she could not guarantee the maximum temperature limit of his or her steam, as could the first customer.

So with a single application, you can see three different approaches taken, where all seem to perform equally as well and all of the clients are pleased.



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Add: No. 18, Xinba Middle Road, Jinping Town Industrial Park, Haizhou District, Lianyungang City

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